How to install Statcounter on WordPress? is a very good suplementary tracking system besides Google analytics for any of your project would it be blog, eshop, news site or other. The best feature of statcounter in my opinion is the ability to track particular visitor. You can view which keyword he used to get to your site, how long he stayed in every page visited and off course you can see the whole path of a visitor navigating through your site.
Adding statcounter code into your wordpress blog is a one minute task.
- Just copy the generated code into clipboard (Ctrl+C).
- Then open your WordPress dashboard and go to Design tab.
- Here click on theme editor and you will see all files associated with the active theme.
- Find Fotter (footer.php) and open it.
- Paste the statcounter tracking code just above closing body tag (see screenshot)
- Save the footer.php and reload the home page of your blog to see it’s working.
Notice. If you try to paste statcounter code like text widget under design tab you may notice that Statounter doesn’t track from where visitors come from and for all visitors “No referring link” message is displayed.