WordPress Forever
When you get the momentum and keep it steady you are going to be successful. That suits WordPress blogging platform for sure. As you can see from the picture below, WordPress is leaving its closest competitors Joomla and Drupal far behind (or below).

google trends
Only Joomla managed to outperform WordPress until last summer. WordPress goes opposite economical crisis and managed to double the supremacy against its rivals.
Why is that? Well, I have to admit that WordPress is so easy to use. Even novice bloggers can install WordPress with little knowledge because everything is made to simplicity. I had one website earlier made with Joomla but switched to WordPress after a year because if you don’t use Joomla for some time you can easily forget the many functions it has and you could spend more time trying to figure out what is wrong than writing content. WordPress is the opposite, whenever you log in everything runs smoothly. Plugins are easy to install with no issues most of the time. Friendly URLs can be selected and not configured touching the .htaccess file like with Joomla.
Knowing how to handle WordPress can be beneficial because there are many jobs for developers every day.
Even organisations are switching to WordPress instead paying huge money for custom websites and CMSs. To mention a few: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Security Agency (NSA), etc.
Everyone loves WordPress, Google is no exception. Posts can be indexed in few minutes and appear in search results.
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