Old SEO Trick To Increase Organic Traffic From Google
This quite old white-hat SEO technique to increase your organic traffic from google SERP results.
If you cannot make it to the top and someone is to strong for you to compete in terms of SERP position you can try this little trick to make your page title stick out of the crowd.
Stylize your title text with symbols like ^ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ § ¬ ° ± º ø þ « and attract more visitors to click thus increasing your CTR (click through rate) from SERPs (search engine result page).
Stylized titles with symbols will stand out and your prospect visitors will see the difference. Make those symbols appear on the left and right of your title. Your Google rankings should not be affected. I tested it and my page title appeared with added symbols other day Google indexed it and the position didn’t change.
See my page in the SERP with the title spiced with “»” “«” symbols.

Try this SEO trick on some or all of your pages and see if it works for you to increase the CTR and traffic volume.
P.S. You can use codes: » and « to get symbols » « Type them in the title area in your wordpress blog and it will automatically convert into those symbols.
It also seems that only Google displays special symbols in the SERPs while MSN and Yahoo ignores them. Off course you could use special symbols not only in the title but also in the description.
google, search engine, search engine result page, SEO, traffic, yahoo
April 23rd, 2010 at 11:31 am
good idea