Translate Unknown Language Easy

nice-translator-logoEver came across the website which has interesting picture but the language is hard to identify because if it orient it might be Chinese, Japanese, Hindi or Korean. To guess and manually check the possibilities you will waste many time. But there is a faster solution to translate unknown language.

Nicetranslator does the job for you by automatically finding what language you’re pasting and then you can set the output language to be your mother-tongue or english for better comparison.

To start using NiceTranslator at first select your native language from the add/remove panel. You can select as many languages as you want. Then copy and paste the unknown language in to the text field and after a moment you will get a “nice translation” for the pasted text.

Funny is that you still won’t know what language you have just pasted because there are only output language names shown. Maybe it will be a good future feature.


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