How to extract .daa files?

June 26th, 2008 admin Posted in software Comments Off on How to extract .daa files?

You have downloaded .daa file and winrar or other archivator doesn’t recognize this file type. Direct Access Archive or daa is a rare file type but here is how to extract it. You will need to download 2 programs: and

Extract all the zips and put all files inside a one folder (for example daa extractor). Then run the daa_converter.exe program and select input file where is your original .daa file, then choose the output file destination. It can be anywhere in your hard disk.


Press start conversion and wait until the conversion process ends. So now you have .iso file. Good news, .iso files can be extracted very easily with free programs like Winrar or MagicIso. That’s it. You have extracted .daa file.